PsychoHairapy Certification.

Your words and conversations can heal.  

But maybe you don’t know all the right things to say yet. 

The PsychoHairapy Certification shows you how to listen, process, and talk about mental health and hair.

No matter what industry you’re in—whether you’re a physician, therapist, yoga teacher, social scientist, influencer, barber, stylist, beauty brand manager, or high school teacher—you can offer mental health first aid through hair or the hair care setting. You can learn valuable knowledge that our community wants and needs. 

It’s time to build your emotional intelligence and create your mental health medicine bag—awareness, knowledge, and skills that sets you up for exponential growth. Place no limit on how much you can heal through hair.

Join Dr. Afiya Mbilishaka—psychologist, author, hairstylist, and hair historian—for a course on how to create a community of care through hair. 

In this 8-hour skills-based certification, you will learn:

  • A step-by-step system to explain the politics and psychology of Black hair to your clients/community. It might be something you have heard or thought about, but now you’ll be able to give the details and paint a visual picture!

  • How to package yourself as a mental health advocate in your community and have your clients swoon with excitement about conversations at the shop/in session and say, “Yes! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Swipe my card right now for my next appointment!”

  • How to identify the symptoms of common mental disorders and how culture influences how these symptoms are expressed in daily life (with lots of examples!)

  • Where to find mental health professionals in your community and how to connect folks with professional assistance.

  • How to burn through emotional blocks (overwhelm, doubt, anxiety) through mindfulness activities and strategies of active listening.


When you attend, you get a chance to sit in the hot-seat with Dr. Afiya! Describe your situation. She’ll listen. And then she’ll identify, along with the other attendees, the healing skills you haven’t been able to pin-point. 90 seconds of talking could change your whole life. 

These are shaky emotional times. Now more than ever, it’s important to take charge of our mental health, get creative, and build with new communities engaged in wellness. There’s no better time to get these mental health first aid skills and provide emotional security to our community.


Why become certified in PsychoHairapy?

1 in 4. That is the frequency of mental illness in the United States, and yet most people don't get the support they need. With the global pandemic, racial injustice, and violence against women, there is increased urgency for mental health advocacy. The PsychoHairapy certification equips community members with the skills to administer culturally-informed mental health first aid and provides a curated therapist directory of local mental health professionals.

PsychoHairapy certification courses help you to build awareness, knowledge, and skills in providing support to someone with various signs of mental illnesses. 

2024 Certification Dates.

September 14 + 15, 2024

3-7pm est

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October 26 + 27, 2024

3-7pm est

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November 19, 2024

10am-4pm est

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How much does PsychoHairapy certification cost?

The 8-hour certification course costs $600.

But, considering that we don’t work in isolation, small groups (3-5 people) cost $500 per person and groups (6-12 people) cost $400 per person.

What are the class details?

  • The History of Our Hair ©

    Buckle up for this ride on a hair time machine. Dr. Afiya Mbilishaka —a psychologist, hairstylist and hair historian— will take attendees on a journey of exploring the cultural and historical significance of hair through a visual narrative across the African Diaspora. From the pyramid walls to trending hashtags on social media, this workshop will give a context for why hair is so emotionally significant to Black communities. Participants will become fluent and analytical in assessing hair narratives within the lives of their clients and larger communities. (2 Hours)

  • Recognizing Symptoms of Mental Illness in Communities of Color

    This workshop focuses on culturally-relevant mental health first aid. In this workshop, you will learn the signs and symptoms of common mental health disorders in our communities and how to attend to these matters in a caring and culturally-sensitive manner. (4 Hours)

  • Developing Micro-Counseling PsychoHairapy Skills©

    Join us to learn micro-counseling skills. Participants will engage in role play and practice active listening, narrative therapy, mindfulness, and supportive group work in the salon/barbershop setting. Here, you will learn “what to say” for common client concerns and how to travel deeper within your own emotional world to guide your conversations. (6 Hours)

“Now that I’m certified in PsychoHairapy: I can support you while you are in my chair, I can be a listening ear, I can be a sounding board, and I can offer resources to you. I learned the correlation between our hair, our hair’s history, and our mental health.”

— Sydney G., Cosmetologist


When do I need to register for the certification by?

Register for the certification at least 12-hours before the certification so that you registration can be processed by our team.

What if I need to cancel after I register?

If you need to cancel after your register, please send an email to to communicate your need to cancel. We will get you registered for the next available class.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! You can pay in 3 installments of $200.

I’m already a therapist, should I still register for a PsychoHairapy certification?

Absolutely! To date, there are no known accredited training programs that specifically offer coursework on connecting hair to mental health. Invest in your professional development, (especially if you work with clients of color) as hair impacts mental health and identity.

I’ve already completed a mental health first aid certification, should I still register for a PsychoHairapy certification?

Yes, you should. The mental health first aid certification curriculum was not designed to focus on the role of culture and mental health. This training centralizes culture and how culture impacts the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses.

How many times can I take the PsychoHairapy certification?

There is no limit on the number of times you can take the certification. We do record each training session for your review as well.

Let us help you care for others.